The NJBG/Skylands Association is working to close the gap between state funding and the true needs of such a fine property. It is a lovely and historic site which deserves to be preserved for the enjoyment of all New Jersey citizens and visitors for many years to come. And the flowers are pretty good, too!
Donate Online
If you’d like to make a donation by debit/credit card or eCheck, click the button below.
For donations of securities and other non-negotiable assets, please contact the NJBG office at (973) 962-9534.
There can be significant tax advantages to giving appreciated securities to the NJBG.
Not only are you able to obtain a full charitable deduction on your income tax return, you may also save capital gains taxes.
Here are several ways to support the Garden…
Tree Plantings
The NJBG’s Memorial Tree and Bench Program offers a beautiful way to commemorate many of life’s important moments: a birth, a graduation, a birthday, a wedding, or a fond remembrance of a special person. Your tree will add to the beauty of the Garden for many years to come.
For more information about Memorial Funds and the Memorial Tree and Bench Program, please call the NJBG office at (973) 962-9534 .
Memorial Contributions
The NJBG has an established program of memorial donations. Memorial funds are isolated and used specifically in the desired area of interest, e.g., botanical acquisitions, garden development and perpetual maintenance, or architectural restoration.
Planned Giving
The Importance of Your Bequest to both You and the Garden
You do not need to have a fortune to give a lasting gift to the Garden. Planned gifts, both large and small, play a critical role in ensuring that the Garden will continue to provide enjoyment and education for future generations. Invested over time, gifts of any size can make a significant difference.
Planned gifts tailored to an individual’s unique circumstances have become increasingly important — they provide long-term support to the garden, yet save donors surprising amounts in estate, gift and income taxes. It’s a win-win situation — donors have the opportunity to contribute to an institution they love, earning a substantial tax break at the same time.
How to Make a Bequest
A bequest to the NJBG is an effective way to ensure that our beautiful gardens and pioneering educational programs will thrive for generations to come.
Bequests can be unrestricted, allowing the Garden’s trustees to apply the gift where the need is greatest. They can also be earmarked for special purposes. If you are considering restricting your gift, please allow us the opportunity to discuss your ideas and the language you plan to use before you finalize your gift.
It is important to give your attorney our full legal name and address. An example of appropriate language follows:
I bequeath the sum of $_______ (“of ____%”, or “my residuary estate”) to New Jersey Botanical Garden/Skylands Association, located at the New Jersey State Botanical Garden, Morris Road, Ringwood State Park, P.O. Box 302, Ringwood, New Jersey, 07456, for its general purposes.
If you have already made a bequest to NJBG, please let us know by filling out the enclosed form so that we may send you an honorary membership and keep you informed of upcoming events.
Other Ways to Make a Gift to the Garden
There can be significant tax advantages to giving appreciated securities to the NJBG.
Not only are you able to obtain a full charitable deduction on your income tax return, you may also save capital gains taxes.
The NJBG can also be named as beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.
If you would like to benefit the NJBG and would welcome extra income during your lifetime, a charitable remainder trust might be the perfect option for you.
If you wish to maximize the inheritance received by your heirs and can afford to forgo some income, a charitable lead trust might suit your financial goals.
For additional information, please call the NJBG office at (973) 962-9534.